Monday, April 13, 2009

Today,show magic to my frenz also...^^, New tricks named "The Shuffling Lesson" also a secret cookies in TA(means that hidden stuffs inside the TA)...What a great trick coz influence with audience himself and magician...haha...^^,

Then,indian frenz say show him some new tricks...^^, At the same time,he also called his sister(dunno is his sister or clue with that...^^,)Then,show them tricks lo...At the beginning,i show the basic routine of "Reset"(Yannick version) as they dont know what is the effect of Reset...Then,do the advanced version which is inside TA also...Named"Reswindled" which is involve 2 times Reset effects inside...For those of my frenz had saw it b4 when Carlson birthday and i still remember that Poh Ha turn over my close up pad to check whether got extra card or not and kock li and Sam there take my deck to check whether got duplicate card or not...haha...answer is duplicate or extra card is needed for this effect...haha...

But,i when i show the 1st trick which basic Reset frenz sister said that me got more than 4 cards in the hand...coz 4 aces become 4 kings then change back to 4 aces...haha...Then,i stop my performance a while for them and rest their mind...and gather more and more ppl around the table ady..then,i do "Reflipped"...other guys shocked when kings change to Aces instantly...haha...But,got a guy said that me just turn it only...and he asked me whether correct or not...for me i wont give correct answer for "those guys"(means that he like smarter than others...and who can know how it done) and eventhough correct i also will said wrong to protect the secret...Then,show the "Reswindled" to all of them...but,just got 2 ppls spoiled the whole effect and atmosphere at time...coz they said that they have see that and flashed it...nvm...coz will happen this situation one...i just continue perform my magic routine until finish...and i just ignore them...and i dont even look at them and listen to them at all...those ppl around me will feel that too...(Right???Martin...)At here,i also want to thanks Martin...coz he help to heat up the atmosphere as that 2 ppls spoiled it...^^, Thank you...^^,

At that time,i think i still in good mood gua and want to care magician image then i force to finished the routine...if not,i think i will said "Shut ur mouth off.../Shut Up" to them or want style a bit is stop whole routine right away...until they said can continue and want to see it...Lee Asher teach us one...coz last year lecture we got ask him about how to handle Heckler...1st is just ignore them as they dont enjoy it or appreciate the art of magic...^^, If want more serious i want try like David Stone like that...coz very funny one...u guys u can try search at youtube to see the trailer of the The Real Secret of Magic Vol.1 and Vol.2 by David Stone...very funny one...i sure u laugh one...

I share all this story with u all is because i think eastern countries still haven accept magic...and they assume magic is like those fooled their mind and cheat them or others...but,all i can is just enjoy it and feel the magic happen...dont try to figure out how it done...coz at the end u r the only one who r not happy and din feel the magical moment...even u know the secret but u lose the feeling of the magic...So,when watching magic just enjoy it and feel the magical moment...and u r the smartest ppl in the world coz can feel the magical moment...except one person...who is magician himself...coz they share their joyful with u all...but they also enjoy to show magics to all...same like me...i love magic and i love to perform magic to all ppl in the world(hope one day can perform to all...haha...)

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