Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Day has come...^^, Happy Valentine Day to all...^^,

Haha...wake early in the morning as has math test at PE block...Then,go to SP Corner there meet Jack and Martin there...eating breakfast there...Then,walk to PE block there...Haha...same class with TE1 class...but no use one coz cant see gals...coz Pheng said that got gals that ok one...but sit in front and busy with doing steps for the math all questions but just left the logarithms...**** la....that easy after Pheng explain to me...I just make it complicated only...**** coz i see 6 marks there and wont be so easy to get one so do other method...and result blank at there...(i doing on draft paper...)and Pheng say easy then he explain then i know how to do damn easy...i close one eye also can do...but no use answer on paper mean no marks for time...score high...^^, I think Pheng will get very high marks coz he say he know how to do...for the question 4(11 marks)...haha...easy...Me too...^^,

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